Learn Why You Shop
And How To Stop

'Just Stop Spending'

Have you ever gotten the advice to, ‘just stop spending’ or ‘just make a budget.’ Did it work? If you are reading this, probably not.

If you are like me, you have tried to budget multiple times. And you’ve probably tried multiple budgets. But I’m going to bust a common myth about spending: Overspending is not a budgeting problem. It’s a spending problem.

In order to meet your savings goal, you have to spend within your limits. If you can’t spend within those limits, you won’t be able to save. But you already know that you struggle sticking within your spending limits. What you don’t know is where to start. But I make it easy for you with my Spending Types Quiz. 

Learn To Become Unshoppable

I teach women how to become unshoppable so you can afford the life you want with the money you already have. I teach how to overcome the urge to shop by teaching why we shop and how to stop spending before it happens. I firmly believe that all women deserve to find the money they need, not just to survive but to thrive. Join me and others in the same journey to become unshoppable!

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Mary Ann Stenquist

Mary Ann here, your spending coach. I am passionate that all women deserve to afford the life they want with the money they already have by becoming unshoppable, so they can become, guilt-free, debt-free, and experience true financial freedom.

At Money Makeunder, we help women afford the life they want with the money they already have with the specific purpose of regaining control over wasted money in their finances. Our ideal client is the stay at home mom or the working woman who feel they make good money but have nothing to show for it, and want to regain control over their household finances–and is looking to overcome overspending, so they may ultimately be guilt-free, debt-free, and free to live the life they have always dreamed of.. You may discover more about us at BecomeUnshoppable.com and we can be easily reached at Be sure to take the Spending Types Quiz above so that you too can become unshoppable!

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