
When I went from working full time outside the home with steady income to working inside the home with only partial income, I knew there had to be a way to contribute financially other than receiving a paycheck. We had gotten so used to living off of two incomes it was no longer possible for my paycheck to be optional. I wanted to stay home to raise my kids, but looking at the numbers it just didn’t seem possible. The only solution it seemed was for me to continue working.

Does this sound familiar? Have you wanted the option to work but realize that it is not feasible? Have you craved financial success but don’t make enough to realize your dreams?

I discovered that I didn’t have to make more to save more; I had to spend less to save more. We have to control what we spend before we control the amount earned. Stated simply, we have to spend less and save more to realize our financial dreams.

My purpose with Money Makeunder is not to teach how to budget- but how to stay under budget. I will not tell you how to allocate your money, but show you how to spend less in some areas to save more in others. Whether you are living within your means or well above your means, I want to help you learn how to spend less and save more. For your money makeunder, click HERE.