10 Simple Ways to Save Money on Kid’s Clothes

Looking for ways to save money on kid’s clothes? Believe it or not, their are many ways to save, you just have to know when and where to look. Keep reading to how to save big!

Understanding Sizing

The first thing to understand when you want to save money on kid’s clothes is sizing. For example, the ’12 mo’ tag on a child’s shirt does NOT mean the item is worn at 12 months. It actually means UP TO 12 mo. My mother-in-law shared this information with me and I am so grateful she did before hundreds of items went unused! Know that the size on the tag is meant to indicate maximum age, not minimum, and sort accordingly

All Sizes Are NOT Created Equal

Unfortunately, you cannot assume that all 12-month clothing will fit the same. For example, when my daughter was 11 months old she fit into a size 18 month pair of pants but not a size 12 month pair! Go figure. Instead of basing your decision on the labeled size, compare lengths of pants and shirts to the current size clothing your child is wearing. This will give you a much more accurate idea of what fits now and/or will fit in the future.

Shop Your Closet

This has been a huge money saver. When I see that my daughter only has a handful of clothes in a certain size, I start to panic. I feel the urgent need to go out and buy more so she doesn’t run out. However, before you rush to the store – shop your closet! Look through what is already in the closet or in storage. Nine times out of ten you won’t need to go shopping because you have more than you think.

Properly Store Kid’s Clothes To Use Later

Speaking of storage, you can store your older kids’ clothes to use with your younger kids. This is a huge money saver because you don’t have to buy an entirely new wardrobe for each kid!

How Do I Store Kid’s Clothes?

When it comes to storing kid’s clothes, storage bins are the most popular. These bins are water-resistant and are stackable. I prefer to store my clothes in space saver vacuum seal bags. Not only does this save space in the bins so I can fit more per box, but it makes it so easy to sort through later!

I buy my vacuum seal bags at Dollar Tree, and yes they are only $1! They are the perfect size to fit in typical-sized storage bins.All you need is a vacuum with a hose attachment to use the vacuum seal bags. I have saved so much money buying these bags at Dollar Tree, and have reduced the number of storage bins I need to use – win-win! Read more about other ways to clean and organize on a budget.

Use ALL The Kid’s Clothes You Receive

Exchange For Another Size

When I received a whole bunch of newborn clothing at the baby shower for my first child, I just figured I would find a way to use them all. One of my guests told me at my shower, that if you have too many outfits in one size, exchange it for a bigger size.” Oh my gosh, you can do that?!?! Call me ignorant but this NEVER crossed my mind! I was able to exchange the newborn clothing for bigger sizes or get store credit so my daughter had clothing sizes other than newborn size.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Hand-Me-Downs

Believe it or not, most people are more than willing to get rid of clothing that their kids have outgrown. To make sure I am a generous receiver, I always offer to pick up the clothing they are offering and take the items I don’t use to donate. That way all they have to do is collect it!

Maximize Hand-Me-Downs

All I can say is thank goodness for hand-me-downs. They pretty much clothed my daughter till she was 18 months old! But sometimes hand me downs aren’t your favorite style, color, or material. Instead of giving them away or donating them, use them for outdoor clothes! I am much more willing to let ‘kids be kids’ when I don’t have to worry about the clothes they are in!

Know Where To Shop For Gently Used Children’s Clothes

Yard Sales and Garage Sales are not the only place to get used clothing anymore. There are some great alternatives to get good clothing for a great price.

Thrift Stores

Some examples of thrift stores include Deseret Industries (DI), Savers, and Goodwill. These thrift stores take donations from the community and then sell them at a reduced price. Thrift stores were one of the first places I went to when I needed some extra clothing.

Clothing Resale

Kid to Kid is a store that buys and sells gently used clothing. The advantage of shopping at clothing resale stores like that they only except quality items. For example, Kid to Kid does not take clothing with stains, odors, tears, or clothing older than 5 years. If you sign up for the Kid to Kid texting program, you will get notified of sales exclusive to Kid to Kid members.

Just Between Friends

Just Between Friends is a local consignment shop, meaning they buy gently used clothing from the community and sell those items, giving a portion of of the earnings back to those that gave items. If you wait for the last day, they usually mark everything half off! Click to find the dates and locations for the next Just Between Friends event.

Garage Sales

No more driving around looking for fluorescent green signs; instead, you can search for items and locations from the comfort of your own home! Visit Facebook Marketplace and search by either location or category. We were able to find a nice sectional couch that we still use to this day!

Know Where to Get New Kid’s Clothing

Discount Stores

Discount stores are quickly becoming my go-to place for kid’s clothes. In Utah, some of the most popular discount stores include the Ogden BDO and Layton Outlets. Many of the products they sell are overstock, discontinued or department store returns. I have purchased 3 swimsuits for the price I would have paid for just one swimsuit at a department store, and have found quality shoes for under $5!


I am accustomed to buying kid’s clothes for no more than $5 per item, usually at thrift or discount stores. You can imagine my surprise when I found $3 shorts/pants at Walmart! I also like to take advantage of shopping off-season. I was able to find children’s winter boots for $3 and winter gloves/hats for $0.50. So shop off-season and shop clearance at your favorite stores to get the best deals.

Know When To Shop for New Kid’s Clothes

Know When The Sales Are

Often stores and outlet malls will have sales at the same time every year. If you learn when these are, you can save a lot of money. It is also not uncommon to receive coupons or cashback offers that you can redeem for even more savings later on! Be careful not to spend more than you budgeted for just to get cashback, which can be an easy money trap to fall into if you aren’t careful! If you prefer to shop online rather than in-store there are some great ways to find the best deals online.

Buy Out Of Season

One of the best ways to save money on kid’s clothes is to buy off-season. To prevent overbuying, create a list at the end of every season of what clothing your children will need when the season comes around next year. That way you avoid wasting money for a good deal when you see those oh-so-tempting fluorescent yellow signs and red clearance tags!

When Buying Out Of Season, Think Bigger

If you are buying children’s pants off-season, always buy a size bigger than you think they need. Keep in mind that they will be wearing the item in 6 or more months, so what may fit them now might not in 6 months. It can be easy to underestimate just how much kids can grow in 6-months time! ! For that reason, it is better for clothing to be a little big than too small so you don’t waste your money.

Remember That It Pays To Save

It’s amazing how much you can save when you refuse to pay full price for items. Instead of spending your money on clothing, save your hard-earned money for experiences with your kids. So start now and watch your savings grow.

Comment below with how you save money on kid’s clothes!

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Hi I’m Mary Ann!

As a wife, a mother and an employee I have learned that it’s not about making more- it’s about doing more with less. I have made it my mission to find all the ways to spend less and share these ideas with you!