The Best Apps to Automate Your Life

If you are needing to get rid of the paper clutter in your life there are some great apps to help you do so. We already use our phone to call, text and email, so why can’t we use it to automate our daily lives? With the technology we have, paper is becoming a thing of the past as we can now type almost everything we would use paper for into our phones. This means no more lost papers and no more clutter! Here are the best apps to automate your life and keep you running smoothly.

How To Automate Your Grocery List – Google Keep Notes

For years I have used a paper grocery list mounted on my fridge so I can immediately add the items I need to buy to the notepad when I run out. I also like it so my husband can add items to the list as well. However, I can’t count the number of times I have left this list at home and have had to go from memory! This is unreliable and makes it hard to stick to your budget. If you continually forget your grocery list, what is the point? To eliminate the possibility of a forgotten grocery list, I have switched to Google Keep Notes. This is an app that allows you to keep notes and share the list with others so that anyone can edit. I have shared my Grocery List with my husband so we can both add to the list. And since I never leave my house without my phone, I never shop without my list!

How To Automate Your To-Do List – Trello

I have kept a written to do list for years. If you are anything like me you do brain dumps –where you put all of the things you have to do on a paper and cross them off as you complete them. It can be very satisfying to cross things off, but the list of tasks is never organized (hence a brain dump). I have been using Trello for my blog and have since started using it for all of my responsibilities! You can create a list, checklist and assign due dates to your tasks. Trello helps me categorize the things on my mind. Instead of a brain dump, it is an organized list of tasks. That’s why it’s one of the best apps to automate your life and your list of things to do!

How To Automate Your Calendar – Google Calendar

I have a command center on my kitchen wall complete with a bulletin board and a calendar. This calendar has been hanging for more than a year, unchanged from its first month and unedited. Its more for show than for use. But that is not the purpose of a calendar. For a functional calendar, I use Google Calendar on my computer and on my phone. No matter where I am, I can add appointments and check my calendar so I don’t double-book events. You can create multiple calendars and color code them, as well as add people to the calendar. This is the only way my husband and I stay organized!

How To Automate Your Notes – iOS Notes App

I will be honest – I never have a notebook with me when I need it. I can barely remember to pack a pen in my purse; let alone something to write on. I have switched to note-taking on my Iphone using the Notes app. From random thoughts in my head to notes from a conference, it is all accessible on my phone.

How to Automate Your Passwords – Last Pass

Don’t you hate when you forget your password? Everything requires a password these days and it can be so hard to think of passwords you haven’t used and keep them all straight. Fortunately, there is a program that does the remembering for you – and it is free to use! Last Pass is a database that allows you to store your passwords. In addition to storing passwords, it generates passwords for you. You only have to remember one password, and that is the password that you log in with. Last Pass has a zero-knowledge security model, meaning it doesn’t log your master password and can’t reset it. Be sure to download the Last Pass app on your phone as you can use your fingerprint or face identification so you don’t get locked out of your account.

How To Automate Your Recipes – Google Docs

As I have tried different recipes over the years, I stopped writing favorite recipes down in a recipe book. Since I find most of my recipes online, it is much easier to copy and paste these recipes onto my Google Drive into a Favorite Recipes Google doc. Not only can you sort your recipes into types of meals or meat type, but you can also use the search feature (Ctrl + F) to quickly locate your favorite recipes. You can download the app for Google Drive to your phone, sign in to your account and you are set!

These apps have truly helped me organize my life and get rid of my own paper clutter that always happens to land on my kitchen table. Try these apps out yourself to see how your life can change. Comment below with what you think are the best apps to automate your life!

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Hi I’m Mary Ann!

As a wife, a mother and an employee I have learned that it’s not about making more- it’s about doing more with less. I have made it my mission to find all the ways to spend less and share these ideas with you!